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The US economy lost 140,000 jobs in December 2020. All of those were women. Women already make up less than 10% of the innovation workforce, with Hispanic women and African American women making up less than 1% and 2% respectively. Join us today in building a more equitable future.


WIN is looking for visionary sponsors who share our commitment to closing the gender gap in innovation. Your support provides critical funding for our evidence-based solutions to closing the gender gap: educational programming, the WIN Hub, and innovation and thought leadership content.

Whether you’re looking to tell your brand story and broaden your reach, recruit top tier innovation talent from a vetted and curated community of diverse innovation professionals, or upskill your innovation team, WIN has sponsorship opportunities for you. 




Help WIN solve this challenge with a starting contribution of $5,000

Your charitable donation provides the financial resources needed for our programming, marketing, and innovation content. In return, you get to either feature your company’s thought leadership through a WIN blog post or feature a speaker on a WIN/WIN Podcast Episode. Both will be promoted across all WIN platforms to our more than 12,000 followers and 4,000 members worldwide. You’ll also be featured on our website alongside our other sponsors.

Interested in other benefits? WIN also has sponsorship opportunities to help you recruit amazing innovation talent and upskill your innovation team. We can also work with you to co-create sponsorship packages. Once we receive your email request via the below button, our CEO, Amanda Ramos will reach out to you to set up a call to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

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“It was an absolute honor for us to host WIN’s inaugural global event! What an opportunity to simultaneously innovate on a topic that is so close to heart; spotlight our Gensler WIN leaders; collaborate with the incredible WIN team; AND have a group of engaged changemakers from around the world join us. A true WIN, WIN, WIN situation.”

Amanda Ramos
Former Gensler,
Current CEO of WIN