WINSight - WIN LDN x NatWest Group: How We Can Put Purpose into Everything We Do
In October, WIN London partnered with NatWest Group to discuss how we can put purpose back into our strategies. As the world we live in becomes more unpredictable and uncertain - remembering our bigger purpose is becoming increasingly more important.
With so many issues at the forefront of our society, purpose allows us to champion specific ones through the work we do. Through innovation, we have the opportunity to approach these issues with a different and unique lens, helping to provide a more productive solution.
In this session, NatWest gave us the tools needed to put purpose back into what we do and ensure it stays there.
Defining Purpose
Before we delve into how to put purpose at the forefront of our work, let’s outline what purpose means.
Purpose relates to something greater than us - the bigger picture.
To define your purpose as an organization or in your teams, ask yourself these questions: What message can we and our business align to that contributes to something greater in society? What legacy can we leave behind that will help others in the future? Does our purpose link to our mission statement?
What purpose means to our two key speakers
Purpose according to Marieke Flament, CEO at Mettle “if we are in a business, what is the bigger purpose we can serve beyond getting customers. Think bigger - what’s the role you can play in society?”
Marieke’s top tip on ensuring purpose exists: “Look at the mission and vision of your business. Do they link into something bigger and more important? Where does purpose lie within these two?”
Caroline Haas, Head of Sustainable Finance at Natwest, on how innovation can help fuel purpose: “With innovation, you can do anything. Have a vision to work towards and break it down into steps to ensure you reach that goal.”
The Activity - from our individual placard to flexible purpose for the long-run
Create: If you could protest with a poster placard, what would it say? What are you protesting for? Get creative, get colourful, be imaginative! What would you want your placard to represent?
Think: How does this purpose link to where you work - is there an alignment between the two? In an ideal world, there will be a strong link between the two. However, if not, then maybe you can serve your purpose through other means or in a different way.
Refine: How can your purpose be flexible in the long run? As we and the world around us evolves, so will our purpose. Our purpose may shift into a completely different area and that’s okay as long as we are aligned to it. But when it does shift, we need to remember to link it back into everything we do.
Here’s just a few of the examples of what some people had on their placards:
We can all agree that aligning on a singular purpose is hard. Many important issues need attention, and choosing one can be challenging. To make this process easier, Natwest provided us with a great 3-step process to guide us in the right direction to a greater purpose.
“Purpose can drive change and connection between others”
This concept interlinks your passion, your mission, your vocation, and your profession which when combined perfectly gives you your purpose. Finding your Ikigia is said to bring happiness, fulfillment, and make you live longer.
In order to find your Ikigai, ask yourself these questions:
What do I love?
What am I good at?
What can I be paid for now or what can I turn into something profitable?
What does the world need?
Ultimately, if you can do what you love, are good at doing that thing, can get paid for it and it impacts the world for the better, you have reached Ikigia!
Editorial: Hannah Riley
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